Healthy habits


Children have to write about their weekly sport habits. Why it is important? What do you do everyday?

Resultado de imagen de children sport planning

Food Groups

Remember! There are 4 Food groups: vegetables and fruit, legumes and grain, meat and fish and dairy products (¡Lácteos!, "Diario" is Daily). We also can include sweets and oils.

Chef Solus explains it here.

"Food Group Fun" - Nutrition

Our "Food group fun" song. Enjoy!<

Art Attack - Food Planner - Official Disney Junior UK HD

Unidad 2

Do you want to create a food planner?

Unit 1: Human body - Science

How it works the human body? Do you want to investigate it? Where can you find each organ?

¿Quieres investigar cómo funciona el cuerpo humano? ¿Dónde se encuentra cada órgano?

Pulsa en el siguiente link, un recurso web completo en inglés para ver cada una de las partes del cuerpo que todavía no conoces.